Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Im not dead... I swear it

Ive just been working and working and working... and a bit depressed since I am still working construction. The time I have had to daw has been good though and I promise to share some of that with you as soon as I get this new macbook properly set up ( apparently the new macbook cannot run Photoshop cs2 so I have to wait for cs3... or maybe use painter to scan and import.. I dunno ) anyhow... The last few,, 5 or 6, weeks have just been work. It's jack hammering .. Sawing..hammer smashing fun.. fun not included.. I had an accident on the job last week where a large truck bed full of metal sheeting (which was attatched to a crane ) was being lowered down and I slipped and gt my leg pinned between the bed and a metal beam for a few seconds .. that was exciting, so no work for a week... 4 days in and Im ready to go back for the last 2 weeks or whatever and then go home for the holidays! ANYHOW! I hope everyone is doing well.. I promise to share some stuff soon.. it's been way too long .. if you want you can always see my stuff at


Take car yallz.. and Happiest of Holidays to everyone..
Big Lov